National Highway Sector Scheme

NHSS are developed in partnership with a wide cross-section of representatives from most sectors of the highways industry. ​

National Highway Sector Scheme
NHSS are developed in partnership with a wide cross-section of representatives from most sectors of the highways industry. ​

The schemes supplement ISO 9001 and are designed to ensure that all processes are planned and effectively implemented. An organisation must be ISO 9001 certified before assessment against the NHSS can be undertaken.
Key Features

  • NHSS help to provide and maintain a properly trained and competent workforce
  • They address the need for safe working arrangements, particularly activities carried out on live highways
  • The associated Sector Scheme Documents (SSDs) represent a thorough approach based on knowledge and experience from the respective sectors. NHSS can be delivered directly by the organization through the supply chain or often via a combination of both.

Who is the standard relevant to?

The schemes are relevant to organizations undertaking a variety of highway activities under contract with the Highways Agency, or where the specification for Highway Works (SHW) is called up as a contract document. 

How can we help?
DNV - Business Assurance can help advise which schemes are the most applicable to your organization and then help you achieve certification.



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