BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging Materials

Improve your packaging manufacturing system and demonstrate commitment to meet customer and legal requirements for safety and quality.

Certification of your packaging manufacturing system demonstrates your commitment to consistency, continual improvement, and customer satisfaction. These are tangible business benefits that enhance your capability to participate in food and non-food supply chains. 

The standard provides specific requirements for a packaging manufacturing management system that will enhance your ability to consistently deliver products that meet customer, as well as statutory and regulatory, demands. 

What is BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging Materials?

All materials that come into contact with food and non-food product, especially the product packaging, can influence product safety, both by failing to protect the product properly and through contamination. 

Originally intended to protect consumers by providing a common basis for the certification of companies supplying packaging to food producers, BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging Materials has since been developed to apply also to other packaging materials (non-hygiene sensitive), packaging ingredients and components, and hygiene-sensitive consumer products such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.   

All types and sizes of businesses involved in manufacturing packaging can use the standard. Certification to the standard comprises assessment of a company’s premises, operational systems, and procedures against the requirements of the standard. The standard is regularly revised, and maintaining certification requires adherence to the latest version of the standard. 

Benefits of becoming certified

Certification to BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging Materials by an independent third-party verifies how your system is performing. The standard is recognised globally by many brand owners, manufacturers, and retailers when assessing the capabilities of their suppliers. 

As a result of certification:

  • You build trust in your products’ performance and your capability to meet customer requirements.  
  • Implement a structured approach to continually improving the product safety and quality systems to satisfy customer and statutory requirements. 
  • Gain a significant competitive advantage by meeting any packaging material certification requirements from customers, suppliers, and sub-contractors in order to conduct business with them.  

Getting started

To be certified, you first need to implement an effective packaging materials manufacturing and processing system complying with the standard’s requirements.  DNV is an accredited third-party certification body and can help you throughout the journey starting from relevant BRCGS training to self-assessments, gap analysis and certification services.  

Learn more about how to get started on the road to certification.



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