Services from DNV Find our servicesSearchLimit toClear filterPlease enter a search criteriaDue DiligenceMaritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006 services)Climate Adaptation ServiceseIDAS 910/2014 e-ID Regulation for electronic identification and other fiduciary services during electronic interactions and transactionsStrategy ServicesIEC 61850 compliance and verificationUCAIug accreditation training and supportAirport Carbon Accreditation SchemeSecond Party Opinions for Green, Social & Sustainable Bonds & Loan Frameworks BRCGS Agents and BrokersSA8000 - Social accountability managementAS/EN 9100 series - Aerospace quality managementISO 9001 - Quality managementClimate RiskIndependent CDP ReviewIECEx Product Certification SchemeGreen Energy ProcurementFighting food fraud to safeguard consumersPost-Occupancy EvaluationSafety culture assessment & organisational development
eIDAS 910/2014 e-ID Regulation for electronic identification and other fiduciary services during electronic interactions and transactions